Welcome to Sensa's Brand Tools. This comprehensive toolkit is your compass for crafting your brand's identity, maintaining consistency, and exploring the limitless possibilities of thoughtful, intelligent design. Dive in and discover the building blocks that define your brand, empowering you to tell the story of Sensa through design innovation and precision.
This section outlines Sensa's brand strategy, focusing on intelligence and innovation in delivering meticulous interior design solutions that inspire brilliance.
Sensa shapes intelligent workplaces. Smarter outcomes require strategic thinking, and that’s what we provide: a considered response through our proven approach to discovery, design and delivery. For more than 40 years, we’ve been trusted by future-focused businesses for our knowledge, experience and drive to create the spaces people need to achieve brilliant results.
Intelligent workplaces. As a USP, this shifts the conversation away from the emotive “wow factor” towards a more intelligence-based brand.
What could intelligence mean across the Sensa brand?
An intelligent methodology.
Considered, detailed, and innovative. The Sensa Intelligence (or Sensa Arc) is a proven approach that delivers exactly what clients need through meticulous detail and strategic thinking.
Intelligent staff.
Thoughtful, insightful and intuitive people. We are trusted to bring not only years of knowledge but a passion for innovation. We are always thinking ahead, since that’s exactly what our clients are doing when they engage us.
Intelligent service.
Quicker lead times, smarter quoting, thoughtful customer experience. The response should be “Sensa thinks of everything”. Less transactional, more empathetic.
Intelligent products.
We spec smarter office furniture – not only better for daily work, but more sustainable, locally made and designed for flexibility.
We want to achieve brilliant results because our clients want that too! Again, we can shift the conversation from inspiring spaces to inspiring brilliance. The difference is focusing on the outcome for clients.
Brand DNA
Our pillars build on our foundation of key benefits to provide a framework for our story. It’s the combination of these pillars that make us unique.
We have a long history and strong track record. We provide holistic solutions delivering value at every stage. We provide excellent service, always delivering on promises
We’re a family business with family values. We believe people at the heart of design, not numbers. We’re responsible citizens and we have a great internal culture.
We have a proven methodology that ensures minimal defects. Our focus on strategy is tailored to each client. We prefer locally designed, made and sourced products wherever possible.
We have an understanding of current workplace trends. We consider sustainability from every angle. We’re here to help other businesses thrive.
Our brand’s name is Sensa.
It’s an invented word in English. In Latin, the word sensa means “thought” or “teachings”. We renamed our business Sensa because it encapsulates the way we approach interiors: intelligently.
Notes on Usage: Our Name
Our full and formal name is Sensa Interiors. When referring to ourselves in a formal document, use Sensa Interiors in the first instance, and then just Sensa from then on.
Note that Sensa and Sensa Interiors are both singular nouns. Therefore when you write, it’s Sensa is… and not Sensa are…
Notes on Usage: Headlines
Consider the meaning of Sensa when writing headlines:
Sensa. Workspaces that make sense.
Sensa. Workplaces with a sense of purpose.
Sensa. Everyday workspaces with a design sensibility.
Sensa. Common sense approach. Uncommonly good outcomes.
In this section, you'll find details about Sensa's brandmark. The brandmark design conveys our brand's approachability and intelligence, creating a balance between precision and warmth. This emblematic wordmark embodies our commitment to innovative and meticulously crafted interior design solutions.
The Sensa brandmark is designed to create a feeling of balance and modularity. It can appear in either black, white, or the Sensa Green. It can appear over an image but should not be recoloured or altered to suit abnormal applications.
Primary Brandmark
In this execution, we have incorporated the word “Interiors” under the arching “N.” We leverage the distinctive “N” archway, a central design element that represents our transition to creativity and intelligence.
Clear space is used to ensure the Sensa brandmark is easily identifiable. Generally, these elements should sit well clear of other elements such as type. However, in smaller applications, the minimum clear space illustrated below should be observed. Note that clear space rules do not apply to the edge of a page.
Sensa’s secondary brandmark utilizes the letter “N” as an archway, symbolizing the gateway to inspired and intelligent interior design. The icon is a secondary element to the brandmark and is only to be used when the brand is clear. Its best use is for items such as favicons, social media and in specialty print.
Secondary Brandmark
Discover Sensa's colour palette, balancing intelligence and warmth with rich teal blue and energetic acid yellow, reflecting our commitment to innovative, creative design.
This section contains all of Sensa's typographic rules and typeface.
We feature a modern, contemporary san serif type treatment.
Sensa uses KMR Waldenburg as its primary typeface. It is applied in one weight, Normal.
Using our brand’s voice is as important as how we use our logo, colour palette and every part of our visual identity. Our brand’s voice reflects the pillars and the personality of Sensa. When our voice is consistent, we build trust.
This section of your brand guide details the Sensa voice by looking at:
Our Story – What We Say
Our Tone of Voice – How We Say It
Writing Tips – Helpful Reminders
Resources – Where To Look
Let’s start at the top: our brand story.
Sensa shapes intelligent workplaces. Smarter outcomes require strategic thinking, and that’s what we provide: a considered response through our proven approach to discovery, design and delivery. For more than 40 years, we’ve been trusted by future-focused businesses for our knowledge, experience and drive to create the spaces people need to achieve brilliant results.
How can you use this?
Let’s break down a few elements:
Sensa shapes intelligent workplaces
This is our USP.
Smarter outcomes require strategic thinking
This spells out what we’re about. Delivering smarter outcomes through strategic thinking. Notice how we lead with the benefit (for our client) before talking about ourselves.
And that’s what we provide: a considered response through our proven approach to discovery, design and delivery
This is how we work, our methodology (a considered approach), and our services in broad terms (discovery, design and delivery)
For more than 40 years, we’ve been trusted by future-focused businesses
A little on our history, before putting the attention back on our clients.
For our knowledge, experience and drive
This is what our clients value – the intangible qualities we bring. Note it’s more than intelligence; it’s also enthusiasm
To create the spaces people need
We prefer words such as create to supply
To achieve brilliant results
At the end of the day, this is what we want and what our clients want. Brilliant results are what we’re here for.
We’re a family business with family values.
We believe people are at the heart of design, not numbers.
We’re responsible citizens and we have a great internal culture.
We have a proven methodology that ensures minimal defects.
Our focus on strategy is tailored to each client.
We prefer locally designed, made and sourced products wherever possible.
We have a long history and strong track record.
We provide holistic solutions delivering value at every stage.
We provide excellent service, always delivering on promises.
We have an understanding of current workplace trends.
We consider sustainability from every angle.
We’re here to help other businesses thrive.
A tone of voice is not about what you say but how you say it.
In print, in person, on the phone, on Facebook or anywhere we communicate – these are the qualities our tone of voice should have:
The Sensa tone of voice is
The following pages break down each of these qualities in more detail with example copywriting.
An intelligent tone isn’t about showing how smart we are. It’s about showing our ability to apply our knowledge and skills to each situation.
Because intelligence drives our brand story, it’s fundamental that our tone of voice is intelligent too. At a basic level, that means making sure everything is professional and polished. At a more nuanced level, it means providing insight, showing our thinking, and responding thoughtfully.
Sometimes the easiest way to do this is to keep your communication short. To the point. Considered.
We sound:
And not:
We wouldn’t say:
We believe all working Australians deserve a “WOW” workplace. Therefore, we design and create inspiring workplaces where businesses and people thrive.
Instead, we’d say:
For your people to achieve brilliant results, they need a brilliant place to work. That’s where Sensa comes in with years of practical experience and the latest thinking on workplace design.
What’s changed?
Less about us (we) and more about them (your people). Words such as brilliant and thinking are preferred over WOW. We don’t need to use ALL CAPS, preferring a more measured approach.
Our clients are ambitious, and so are we – always pushing the envelope and ready for the next challenge. We stand behind our work with assurance and pride. We show confidence without arrogance.
In our tone of voice, that just means stating facts plainly without going over the top. For example, we wouldn’t use phrases such as “the best” without being able to back it up.
When we communicate with confidence, we provide assurance.
We sound:
And not:
We wouldn’t say:
Servicing over 4,000 customers Australia-wide, we strive to deliver exceptional workplace solutions and create business improvement.
Instead, we’d say:
We create workplaces that improve business, and we’ve done it for more than 4,000 businesses across Australia.
What’s changed?
A more confident tone (we don’t strive). We wouldn’t use a word like servicing because we also take a more human tone. Words such as solutions are also overused.
Our industry can seem a little impersonal sometimes. One of the ways Sensa stands apart is through its human quality. We’re genuine people, here to make a genuine difference.
In our tone of voice, that simply translates as being personal. We lead with human stories because that’s who we’re designing for. It’s not about the products, it’s about the people.
We work with empathy; we use authentic language over jargon; and we show the people at the heart of our process.
We sound:
And not:
We wouldn’t say:
We thrive on the development of tailored solutions, in answer to individual client challenges.
Instead, we’d say:
Let’s work together to create a workplace that meets your needs.
What’s changed?
More casual, shorter and direct. We prefer to talk more about the client (your needs) instead of ourselves (we thrive). Again, use words like solutions in moderation. And remember it’s fine to use contractions (let’s, we’re, we’ve, etc) to sound more natural.
We’re unafraid of big ideas. Behind complex design and absolute precision is our creative spirit. That’s why we show elements of the bold, the unexpected and even the delightful in our tone of voice.
We also show our creative side through our sense of energy. What if your headline was a provocative question? What if it was a lot shorter? What if you used an unexpected or non-corporate turn of phrase?
Thinking outside the box is what we do day-to-day, and it’s why people engage us. We can show that with touches of creativity in our tone.
We sound:
And not:
Like the rest
We wouldn’t say:
Creating workspaces that are visually stunning, improve productivity and ultimately, generate positive returns on investments.
Instead, we’d say:
Can a workplace be healthy, beautiful, efficient and a good investment? We think so. We create them every day.
What’s changed?
A rhetorical question can be a useful way to gain attention. More evocative and non-corporate words (beautiful) also stand out.
Writing tips
“Writing is easy,” said Mark Twain. “All you have to do is cross out the wrong words.”
Here are a few pointers, hints, tips and tricks to make sure your writing is as effective as possible.
Show the benefit.
It’s an old rule, but it remains true – show the benefit rather than the feature. For example, rather than just detailing the technology behind a certain product, show how that technology will help staff in their office day to day.
Avoid clichés like the plague.
Is there another way to say it? Being creative is part of our personality, so we need to reach for fresh ways to communicate ideas.
Less is more.
Keeping things short is not only better writing. It also makes for better reading.
Writing tips
Does it sound natural?
Try reading what you’ve written aloud. You’ll be able to hear if it sounds too formal, too long, or just oddly phrased. It should flow naturally.
Think like a designer.
No one likes long slabs of text. Break up your paragraphs with subheadings, and use dot points if you’re writing a long list.
Avoid jargon.
While we’re intelligent, remember that your reader may not have the same knowledge as you. Use plain English and avoid jargon.
Maintain focus.
One way to show intelligence in your writing is to keep sentences focused. Just make one point per sentence. Paragraphs should also contain just one idea.
Writing tips
Use the active voice when possible.
Active sentences are about doing, and passive sentences are about being done. In active sentences, the order is subject-verb-object. Active example: Sensa completed the fitout in five weeks. Passive example: The fitout was completed in five weeks. The passive voice often sounds impersonal.
Use personal pronouns.
You, we, our – addressing the reader and talking about ourselves (rather than in the third person) shows our genuine, relatable personality.
Always proofread.
You don’t want a typo to ruin all your hard work. Always run a spell check, and make sure you’ve selected Australian or UK English.
Ask a friend.
Finally, there’s no shame in asking a colleague to proofread your work. They may find errors you haven’t seen and may offer suggestions for improvement.
If you’re not sure about the Australian spelling of focused, whether award-winning needs a hyphen or any number of grammar questions, Google will usually point you in the right direction. The following links are also helpful for writers:
Australian Government Style Manual
There are also many useful tools to help your writing such as Grammarly.
The Hemingway Editor is also handy to keep your writing clear.
Feel free to experiment and push the boundaries with these design elements. They are not just tools; they are stepping stones for your creative innovation.